ck3 best county. The duchy of Wessex consists of 4 counties, all with coastal access allowing for the tradeport line of buildings. ck3 best county

 The duchy of Wessex consists of 4 counties, all with coastal access allowing for the tradeport line of buildingsck3 best county  Temples are best for gold AND levies due to giving up to 50% tax and 100% levies at +50 court chaplain opinion

The first way is by using your religious council member to Convert County Faith. CK3 AGOT is a total conversion mod for Crusader Kings 3 which brings the world of George R. Innovation development applies only if your steward's culture knows the following civic innovations: Public Works = 0. This article has been verified for the current version (1. When playing a tribe or a clan, you can use the Conquer casus belli to get either a county or a duchy, depending on what noble title you already own, to get territories from your neighbors. It also makes Temperate which is the best personality trait in CK3 a virtue. Megalithic Construction. When it comes to land size, Khan Saru has the biggest advantage in 1066. Scotland comes with a strategic advantage. Castille has a strong army and focus on expansion through war. Communal Government = 0. Create a vassal of your own religion. 11 Law – Legacy 1. I'm usually not concerned about this, but I do wonder if there are any CK3 veterans that can give me some good tips on how to speed up the culture conversion of counties. The county capital comes with 4 building slots, all baronies come with just 3 - except cities, which you can expand to 4 slots with the lvl 5 legacy from Iberia. The thing is that culture only affects approval rating and tech. That's a pretty easy run from either side. 5. Ridiculously good spot for a tall playthrough. As for your knights while trying to invite in better ones make sure to get good genetic traits like giant and good martial eduction so you breed a new generation of giants. • 2 yr. Although I appreciate the memes on this sub, I'm a guy who usually doesn't go for very wacky playthroughs. 4, Nikaea jumps from number 80 in county density to number 49 in barony density. This way, you can manage your succession super-easy and pick any of your children to inherit that specific duchy and all counties inside it. Yes having a bunch of holdings in a single county is a CK2 strategy, not really valid anymore in CK3. Temples are best for gold AND levies due to giving up to 50% tax and 100% levies at +50 court chaplain opinion. +50 Piety per executed Count. That way you control all on the Ironwood forests. In Crusader Kings 3, being a well-liked ruler throughout one's own realm is ideal for ensuring prosperity. You can also get absolute crown rule within a ruler or 2 by going for the Unite the West Slavs decision and being able to designate an heir. This guide will cover a comprehensive strategy for selecting holdings, counties and buildings for Feudal lords in the 1. Middlesex, Essex (not that great but the best county and duchy in Britannia) I like to establish and start building up my capital as soon as possible (leave it in the AIs hand for too long and it may build temples) so I tend to look for the best capital province and duchy in my starting locality. +100 Piety per executed Duke. You can switch from Tribal to Feudal in CK3 by entering the decisions menu and meeting the following requirements at any time. Level 1 buildings cost 150 Gold. culture = culture:anglo_saxon scope:county. have the relevant innovations. ago. Start swaying your Council or Mayors as you see fit. Probably an independent count is easiest. Between the two main duchies (Pandya and Chola Nadu) you have a 7 slot county with 5 slots being farmland and 2 jungle (sweet, sweet Elephantries), another 3 farmland counties, a Unique Holy Building slot that works for all Eastern Religions, a minimum of 18 development in 876 or 25 in 1066 and it's mostly along the coastline so you can get. What's the best county cluster in the world? I'm not talking about a single county or duchy, but the best 6-8 adjacent counties for you to hold (preferrably across 1 or 2 de jure duchies for vassal count reasons). I always like to look back at the family tree and the starting County and appreciate how the dynasty has climbed the ladder. Below is a complete, up-to-date list of all 99 CK3 console commands, these are commonly referred to as cheats. Crusader Kings III > General Discussions > Topic Details. Sjaelland would be nice but as was said, it lacks counties. 10 Monthly Development Growth Councilor Base + +0. 7. Kordofanian Faiths (Kushitism) The Kushite religion, which exists in the ancient region of Nubia, is an amazing religion in CK3 that can easily unite all of its Holy Sites. The first level gives you 150 levies and 1 knight. But the former gives you an additional 20 cities paying taxes and increasing development, with the same number of castle and 5 additional temple holdings. Leon. Crusader Kings. 57 baronies in 13 counties. Sjaelland itself is at 65 (Monthly growth +12. Whenever you feel like leaving the realm to do your own. There are lots of cost. Best counties in ck3? also best decision to do? : r/CrusaderKings In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Best counties in ck3? also best decision to do? 6 comments 2. In Crusader Kings 3, religion serves all these purposes. And then plenty of possibilities, aquitaine, burgundy, italy, west francia, even corsica and sardinia within reach. In this video we will take a look at the str. Which counties in Britannia have best bonuses? CK3. The fact that this unit also counters its own unit type is just absurd for our elephant conquest needs. To convert to a different culture in CK3, all you need to do is move your capital to a county that has a different culture than you do. To my surprise and disappointment I had been reduced from a standing army of 6000+ troops to 319 and my gold had been. We as 3 players went for the House of the Etichonen, since they are nicely spread, (2 different empires and in the heart of europe), those are really small and slow starts (makes for an calmer start) and because we had one newer player, he got the Count of Sundgau, since he starts with 2 Counties, the other players started with just one. The one you mentioned with 8 is the one with highest holding count, but that does not mean it's the best one. The Best Starts in Crusader Kings 3. There are a lot of rulers to pick from, and your choice matters!2: I personally think Man is the best option, since it is the only county that will allow you to become king without holding anything else, but some also great choices are Cordoba in Hispania, having the greatest default development growth in the game, Bohemia with its gold mine province (not Praha) and the possibility to hybridise and get the. Originally posted by CrUsHeR: Each city granted to the order is lost taxes and development. My best playthroughs were with provence in 867. Tales of Ireland. Crusader Kings. These are our picks for the best Crusader Kings 3 mods: The Fallen Eagle: The Dawn of the Dark Ages. depends on your definition of tall which could be anything from a single county all the way up to a full de jure empire. AND instantly Feudalizes all your holdings but still let's you Raid for 100 years. 7. Qualify, the word best? Not in one category, of course. In general, conquering duchies can give more land, since most duchies contain more than one county. Image: Paradox Interactive via HGG / Nathan Hart. Constantinople is typically the highest development county in the world in the absence of a concerted effort by the player. 1. Jul 31, 2017 @ 3:22pm Usually the best duchies are the ones with the most counties. If you don't like your liege, you can get a new one. Crusader Kings 3 is a game that really cares about its historical accuracy. In CK2, since your steward and martial worked on a county basis, it was best to have a county (5 or 6 slots) maxed out with castle holdings that you personally controlled for the steward and martial stacking bonuses- a single county with 5 castle baronies could easily net you tends of. Crusader Kings. In the end, what's "best" completely depends on what you want to do. Human Sacrifice. This gives you 10 castles, 10 cities, and 5 temples. Where should I put my realm capital. This means several things. there’s one Jewish African leader in the 867. In CK3, you can get many bonuses from buildings. The Duchy of Sweden would probably be the best one for a Skandinavian capital but I'm constitutionally forbidden to have a capital there. Crusader Kings. culture = culture:english OR = { scope:county. Italy is also very good. What are the Best Succession Laws to Choose in Crusader Kings 3. That’s great bonus as long as you can train your heirs to be temperate. Megalithic Construction. Then found the order there, and give the county away. War score is gained by winning Battles, occupying Holdings, taking important prisoners and especially. The maximum penalty is 87. Crusader Kings. 57 baronies in 13 counties. . Castles are best for defense as they make opponents siege multiple castles to siege a county. 11 Law – Legacy 1. They convert culture if their capital county's culture matches theirs AND they make enough money, if not they'll rather convert to the native culture. Your liege loves you, you're a middle aged Martial fella with a dynasty member alliance. 10 Monthly Development Growth Councilor Base + +0. When both built, their bonuses stack. trying to get into tribal but its not that simple. Only under very rare circumstances should you ever have more than one castle in a county. -30% Hunt and Feast Cost. which county’s are the best to hold? As already mentioned, some counties have unique buildings, which are always preferable. CK3 console commands: All the cheats you need. CK3 Building and Holding Guide. Starting characters for 867 Sultan Yahya II ibn Yahya of the Idrisid Sultanate. Depending on the Martial skill of the Marshal, you should be able to increase a county’s Control by around 0. 11 Law – Legacy 1. CK3 console commands: All the cheats you need. Once again they remove a need for skirmishers. Southern Africa is pretty easy in 867. primary_title. And if you are stronger than the opponent, you use your army to chase down his, or screen the siege force, while a small soldier force guard the siege behind. 1. Now constructing a mine early one is a hefty price. Start swaying your Council or Mayors as you see fit. Declaring war against a theocracy of the same faith additionally costs. But yeah you should be able to do a custom character in any spot. Sjaelland, Jylland, Uppland, or Skane for the most holding slots. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Deheubarth has more counts to choose from but Gwynedd has a pretty flag!Best way to form Norway. Marry one sister to the Prince Louis "The Stammerer", good chance of getting West Francia as ally this route (King Charles seems to die rather quickly, and since Louis is the heir). Originally posted by Thistle Honeymead:1. An Extensive Guide to Combat in CK3 - Beginner to Advanced. Doing this will give them a chance to get all the loot in the county they have raided, along with the possibility of getting captives, which they can ransom later. If they are also the capital county of a duchy, they will also get a duchy building. CK3: Top 5 Best Duchies in England; Top 40 Best Katverse TS4 CC & Poses: Our Top Picks; Top 30 Best Multiplayer NES Games: Listing The Best Of All Time; Top 10 Best Castle Crashers Characters; Top 10 Best Weapons in Dark Cloud & Dark Chronicle; Top 25 Best Weapon Mods For Skyrim (All Free) Top 10 Best Champions To Try Out in Paladins 8. That one's in Åland, an island between Sweden and Finland. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Crusader Kings. Either through war or revoking vassal titles. The county of Kyiv is probably the best CK3 county in eastern Europe. You also get some boosts to income from your ruler's stewardship, some perks, and if you've set your steward to collect taxes. LotR: Realms in Exile is an excellent mod that allows players to control titles and areas in Middle-earth. CK3 1 counties with 8 baronies: c_zachlumia. Crusader Kings. Below, we present the best CK3 mods: A Game of Thrones. On a map, King Boris of Bulgaria’s position looks to be indomitable. zholden@gannett. Lost on eu3. Make alliances through marriage, if needed use them to help gain control of Munster duchy. For the sake of practicality, players may want to consistently create Claims for counties. 736. Some mine locations to mention are Cagliari, Thessaloniki, the mine to the right of Prague in Bohemia, Golkonda in India, or there are 3 mines in Mali. Then found the order there, and give the county. Maksim-Y-orekhov. Diplomacy +2 and Martial +2. How to use Crusader Kings 3 cheats. In-game motivators for characters. However, tax is only increased by 3%. Can raise runestones for additional bonuses. . As long as your succession law is any type of partition you will lose lands upon the death of your monarch, as long as you have more than one eligible child (generally sons unless you have equal or female preferred succession, which is unlikely). Finnmark for maximum attrition as they try to march on your capital. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. I try to accumulate the minimum # of required counties, then amass enough Gold and then click either usurp or form kingdom. Best Buildings to Build in Crusader Kings 3. I thought I made a mistake giving away Kent but I can not hold the cathedral directly so not missing out on the 3 gold a month. Don’t. Innovation development applies only if your steward's culture knows the following civic innovations: Public Works = 0. 9 from neighbor). Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Your steward's "Promote Culture" action is simply too slow to convert multiple counties in a shorter span of time,. My personal favorite is Bohemia. Ck1 was, innovative, to say the least. 66 baronies in 15 counties. In both start dates, the house of Poitiers is in the position to claim the. Scotland, Denmark, the Mongol Empire, and Sejuk are the four best countries in the 1066 era. An army is a large group of soldiers that can be controlled to attack other armies or siege a holding during wars. When playing a tribe or a clan, you can use the Conquer casus belli to get either a county or a duchy, depending on what noble title you already own, to get territories from your neighbors. . Lord of the Rings: Realms in Exile. It tries to emulate the cultures, religions, and warfare strategies of the medieval age as best it can. Here's the best rulers to pick at the start of CK3, in both 867 and 1066. When assigning a Marshal to increase. ago. By going to your Council menu and looking at your Steward, you will see that one of their tasks is spending time in a county to increase development. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Community Patch with Improved Genetics 2. James2024. Pound for pound, Armored Infantry are the best. CK3 Money Guide. Check the CK3. Crusader Kings 2 Europa Universalis: Rome Hearts of Iron 2. Some nice small-but-big Duchies there. 795. Mongol Empire – Khan Saru of Cumania. Can you achieve fame and fortune for. and insufficient casus belli to get hold of the Serbian Kingdom title. So far the only one I have found is the county of Madurai, with seven holding slots but no special buildings, so I am wondering if anyone. If a county has another county next to it with a higher development, the underdeveloped province will also grow to reach the same development in time. One of my favourite start to test out new patches is the Count Erchenrad of Chalons in 867 in France. My favorite is Bohemia. 📷 +50% County Conversion Speed if same culture 📷 −50% County Conversion Speed if different culture If you regularly change the cultures of conquered territory, this is a very strong tenet, otherwise it will actively hamper your ability to spread your faith. +50 Piety per executed Count. Each Barony in the game only has 1 Special Building. Best. As for the best heavy cavalry regiment, it’s the cataphracts. Turn your knights into a Joutun army. 3. Regarding the other game rules, which non-default ones. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. After that, Egipt, Sardinia, and the Kingdom of Sicily, specially after taking both Salerno and Naples. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Experienced Players may not benefit from this but feel free to contribute your ideas. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. This will actually be one of the best buildings in CK3 for any culture that relies heavily on cavalry or has access to horse archers, like the Mongol Empire. Holding a single barony of farmland. I'm not too bothered about which area as I would like to. long answer: extremely subjective, there's no best culture or religion and it all depends on your goals and what you want to get out of the game. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. County Conversion Resistance +50%. There are 3 types of holdings: Castles, Cities and Temples. This article has been verified for the current version (1. Catholicism, in general, is usually a safe bet for a CK3 playthrough as there are many alliances to be had and crusades to be called. Fun start with your neighbour becoming the duke and you have to overcome him. You can also get absolute crown rule within a ruler or 2 by going for the Unite the West Slavs decision and being able to designate an heir. One aspect of this is raiding, something most commonly associated with the Vikings. Open comment sort options. This article has been verified for the current version (1. Yes, it's a count in Ethiopia. 3 equaling 15 development. . Reuniting the Iberian Peninsula is a major achievement for any CK player, making for a satisfying goal to vie for when starting as any character here. This is why I am continually impressed by people who do total world conquests. How to change from Tribal to Feudal government in Crusader Kings 3. Duchy of Bagdad has a lot of floodplains holdings, high dev and a special building. The game spans approximately 300–500 years, starting in either 867 or 1066 and going until about 1400. The wiki lists the starting development of every county in the game as at the 867 start and the 1066 start. 1066 I think Barcelona has 6 counties, and is no longer a part of Francia/Aquitane. Baghdad has 14 floodplains holdings, which is almost the entire duchy (16 holdings in 5 counties). if one side has 25 War score, the other side will have -25 War score. Its holding can never be destroyed and is always owned by the ruler who holds the county title. Only an accurate provinces / baronies map. In fact, the Isle of Wight has only a single holding, while the others have more than. Counties will have lowered popular opinion with their. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. . Arabia is one of the largest kingdoms, and one of only two that make this list situated outside Europe. Bishoprics seem decent, but they're finicky depending on if your bishop likes you or not, and I still can't tell if the money I get from. In this Crusader Kings 3 guide, I highlight some of the fun starts in Britain in 867 in CK3. I think, outside of special buildings, West Franconia is the best duchy in the game, there’s something like 12 counties in it with three farmland counties, it doesn’t have the highest average income per county but it has the highest net income, outside of maybe Mercia but Mercia is pretty shit otherwise with a ton of two holding. 10 best counties in CK3 to move your realm capital. Uniquely, many of Crusader Kings 3's game-breaking features in early builds were discovered even before release thanks to Paradox handing a preview copy to The Spiffing Brit. Seljuk Best Countries in 867 Sweden, Novgorod, Byzantine Empire & Pratihara falls in the top list. 1. Born to Breed: House of the Prophets - my ongoing but erratically updated CK3 AAR; The Sverker Diaries, part twenty-six, has been published. You’ll stack-wipe the AI forces without breaking a sweat. Hunting Grounds. Kicking off our CK3 Best Tenets list is human sacrifice. Something appeals to me about starting at the bottom rung and working upwards. Praha, Rome, Ile de France, Kiev, Madurai, and that one random county in either Bosnia or Croatia that has like 7 baronies in it. So during the hostility phase I revoked a county in Navarra (smallest kingdom, so even if culture and faith aren't right it shouldn't take long), created the kingdom of Navarra title (don't even know if that's necessary cause I didn't change it to primary), put my capital there, converted culture and done lol. 2. The best counties for income are coastal plains, with the exception of those counties with special building slots. 5% of the Increase Development in County bonus, so: - [ ( +0. You gain a lot of Piety for killing certain ranks of people. 6) Essex (5 counties, near the water, has London special building). Anybody figure out the best holding to build in empty county slots? In CK2 it was cities hands-down for the tax income, but here in CK3 my mayors all make me <0. There are lots of cost. :)Hinduism seems like all of it has a strict no-incest rule, which sucks. The Time of Gigaknight has come. +5 Popular Opinion. The Age of Men is over. If you want to avoid losing any land you have to reduce the number of eligible heirs to 1. Crusader Kings 3 is a game that really cares about its historical accuracy. Your steward's "Promote Culture" action is simply too slow to convert multiple counties in a shorter span of time,. Declaring war against a character's head of faith costs 500 piety if the head of faith is spiritual and 100 piety if they are temporal. I have multiple (baronial-level) holdings in each county, as all of us do. Craven characters are more easily intimidated by your Dread score. Choose your noble house and lead your dynasty to greatness in a Middle Ages epic that spans generations. Saps all the flavor out of the experience. Each County that makes up your personal domain is divided up into a number of Baronies. We play CK3 and other paradox games on The Spot discord so join if you are interested. This article has been verified for the current version (1. Arabia. Same for Frisia, where the biggest county has 5 holdings, capable of handling 5 windmills or the best county currently there can. I just usually keep my capital in Norway because of tech and fjords and keep Flanders and most of Sweden in my demesne for money. A character gains a claim in the Struggle region. Considering to start as an count in Wales 1066 and eventually become king. Evisiro. He starts with 3k levies and enough gold/prestige to get a 5 stack of bowmen plus an invasion. Seven Holy Cities - As a Hindu, own or become the Liege of all seven Hindu Holy. 6) Bayless tied the single-game scoring record with 44 Chafin and Kent combined for 52. Expands easily and you're wedged between a few kingdoms and Chiefdoms if you expand a bit. But if we consider this an important factor, Bohemia is a nice option providing multiple six holding duchies and a high amount of counties. Byzantion, Palermo, Napoli, Salerno and Cagliari are very good counties to hold personally. Move the capital of each county to the temple holding. This does one thing and that thing rules. 16. The most straightforward way to spread your religion in CK3 is by going to the Council menu and selecting your religious councilor (the one with the Learning stat) to “Convert Faith in County. I'm a big fan of the Desert Agriculture and Orchards from Deserts and Oasises, Desert Ag gives you a multiplier (2% I think) to the other buildings and its own earnings. Chief Dunchad of Ormond, starts with 1 brother and 2 sisters. . Corsica and Sardinia, for the same reasons as Bohemia. And 16 with one. Sep 3, 2020. This guide will expand further into all the special buildings available in Crusader Kings 3 and how they uniquely impact gameplay. You can also try Axum in the 1066 start date. ago. So alternatively you can hold two or more duchies for the duchy buildings. At 7 development, both tax and levies should be increased by 3. 11) of the game. 7. I'm currently partial to Kushitism; +2 stewardship and learning per devotion, +50% country conversion resistance, +2 martial and diplomacy from holy sights. -- do I need to put fields in each. lizardham 1 yr. Make alliances through marriage, if needed use them to help gain control of Munster duchy. In CK3, you can get many bonuses from buildings. If you can get at least 15 prowess knight this means you get 1500 damage for levies and 1650 damage for knight - just for 75 gold and 200 prestige. . Forgonett. Trying to think through the implications in CK3. ago Count of Innsbruck, 867 (?) start with shattered world. For me, I prefer playing in southern India in Deccan, and try to avoid Bengal dejure starts because of the religion. r/worldbuilding. an old Norse one in the 1066 one. So 1 county culture would aquire its tech 2. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. The Honored to Serve Perk is arguably the best Stewardship Perk in CK3 and due to its strength is the last to be picked up before the Administrator Trait in the corresponding. Then, five counties with seven baronies, and 72 with six. Level 2 buildings cost 250 Gold. Both Sjælland and Jylland are crappy Duchies. Army. ago Best counties in ck3? also best decision to do? : r/CrusaderKings In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Best counties in ck3? also best decision to do? 6 comments 2 yr. Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade. It has 6 holdings slots, like most counties on this list, and also has an amazing special building. r/CrusaderKings. Very dynamic and strong kingdoms nearby,while you munch for centuries title by title to eventually. Of course, clearly the most prosperous frozen wasteland In all of medieval Europe. For me, I prefer playing in southern India in Deccan, and try to avoid Bengal dejure starts because of the religion. Mythicfour • 3 yr. Floodplains have a slightly lower supply limit bonus than farmlands, and a lower combat width (which is better from small MaA armies defending against big levy armies), but are otherwise identical. increase control in county - when you need to quickly increase control in a specific province. He won’t be endorsing you at the start, meaning that he won’t be giving you his gold and levies. Wondering what the new best capital location was with the changes to ck3. Crusader Kings III - Crusader Kings III: Chapter IIChapter IRoyal EditionAbout the GameYour legacy awaits.